NOW AVAILABLE ON VINYLMichael W. Smith'S full-length Christmas albumtitled "Every Christmas", which includes 6 songsfrom his 2022 EP "Christmas At Home" woventogether with 6 new songs that wrap this nostalgic,family-focused project into a beautiful completion.Michael says of the album "(Every Christmas) takesChristmas at Home to a new level, with somebeautiful, magical new surprises, including some ofmy favorite hymns." Michael co-produced EveryChristmas with his son, Tyler Michael Smith. Hisdaughters Whitney Mooring and Anna Smith arealso featured throughout the project. The familyfocus is fitting, as the songs on this album paint apicture of all of the merriment of the holiday seasonand Christmas memories made with the ones wehold dear. We are excited for you to hear this album- and hope these songs set the scene for newChristmas memories to come.